Monday, June 23, 2008

Great Testimonies in 8 minutes

Continuing with the them of what I believe. This video shows WHY I believe!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How I see it

Aight, so all my post won't follow this pattern with the title but I think I'll see if I can get the first few to, just for fun. I'll think of something more creative to do with future post.

So here's how I see life. I believe life is a gift from God. We are put here and given a free will to choose to follow him or not. If we choose to, life can get tough and challenges will come, and though they may not work out like we wish, we will always have God with us. On the other hand those who don't seem to have it just as tough and can only beat themselves up when hard times come instead of turning to an almighty, all-powerful but most importantly, loving God. I believe the only way to get back in tune with God is through Jesus Christ who died on a Cross for our sins but was raised again to overcome death and ascend into heaven the victor over all things evil.

I believe that there is a powerful force of evil working in this world. Satan, the devil, human nature... call it what you will, I think it is there! I believe that it serves as a deterrent to our intended purpose of living for Christ and I believe it can take many forms and it can be very deceptive.

Yes there are rules that you have to follow and yes there are people out there that make it all about those rules but I think the most important thing is the relationship you have with God. I believe if you are dedicated to that relationship then following those rules should come easier (not alway easy!).

Yeah there is plenty of people out there who think that I'm a little 'outta touch' for believing in a god; let alone the GOD. But I don't! It's real to me and I see his work every day and I feel his love even more often than that.

I love God and Jesus Christ, they love me and that is how I see it. If you believe otherwise feel free to express yourself, you can even comment here if you'd like, I'm all about some open discussion so let's do it! Tell me how you see it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Welcome To My Life!

Hey Folks! Here's my first post. Just a little overview of who I am and what I do.
First and Foremost I'm a man who loves his family and is loved by God. I am definitely not perfect by any stretch but luckily i have a perfect and loving God who is gracious enough to forgive and forget. I am married to the most wonderful wife and mother ever! (if you would like to argue lets here it but I doubt you'll win). Together we have 2 Beautiful baby girls and they are the light of my life. Take it from me, kids make life worth living.

When I'm not here with the fam I have a couple places you can normally find me. The first is at work. I'm a software analyst at a small benefits software company. It's a new career for me, I used to do corporate multimedia stuff, but so far things are going great. The second place is at Buckhead Church. I'm a volunteer on the production team and a representative for the production team on a board that meets quarterly to discuss what's going on at the church. This is where my passion is I love what God is doing here and I love being a part of it.

So... why the blog you ask? Well this maybe more for me than for anything. I kinda think of this as cheap therapy. I have questions and opinions about life and it's major parts just like anyone and this is where I'm gonna share them. I also have a really awesome life that I think people may enjoy participating in and this is where I'll share that, too! That's pretty much what it's all about, sharing in life.